“Inside”, a personal exhibition of Aniela Ovadiuc, at the Senso Gallery, on the upper floor

Starting on Saturday, November 13th, 2021, at 18:30, on the upper floor of the Senso Gallery in Bucharest (Calea Victoriei 12C) you can visit Aniela Ovadiuc’s personal exhibition, entitled “Inside”. With Ana Daniela Sultana as curator, the exhibition is part of the exhibition program designed by Ana Ștefania Andronic (BUZU), the artistic director of the Senso Gallery, and remains open to the public until November 29th, 2021.

“Present in every work from Aniela Ovadiuc’s new series, light represents the element that filters and facilitates access to an ever changing stylistic universe, a translucent porcelain and glazed sandstone universe, where white predominates and existential tensions evoke both appearance and essence. The self-referential component of the exhibition selection or the story about the hidden self, lost or found in the meta-language of shapes, culminates in a self-portrait hidden away in a sphere. In fact, the sphere represents the key to the entirety of the plastic discourse in this unprecedented selection – the flattened sphere, the elongated sphere, the sphere containing other spheres within it – each telling another story, which we can voyeuristically decipher through a small visor. Relying on the ceramics installation, Aniela Ovadiuc’s artistic practice is rather in the avant-garde part of this ancient art of fire, underwriting an already established trend of emancipation of ceramics and its inclusion in the major arts.

Aniela Ovadiuc’s pottery, a dynamic visual dialog between old and new, appearance and essence, inside – outside, reminds us of the ephemerality of things and life, and refers to a transcendent manner of resonating with the inner movement of atoms, cells and spheres.” – Ana Daniela Sultana

Aniela Ovadiuc graduated from the National University of Arts in Bucharest, with a pottery bachelor’s degree and a master in visual arts. A member of the Artists Union of Romania, she is also a founder of the Ceramic Time brand, is part of the Senso Gallery portfolio and is also conducting an intense exhibition activity, at both national and international level. Her artistic practice lies at the intersection of pottery, object design and installationism.

The Senso Gallery is an initiative of the entrepreneur Anca Vlad, supported by the Fildas Art Foundation and Catena pharmacies, by means of the Catena pentru Artă (Catena for Art) Program, as sponsor.

Situated in an area of urban interest and visibility, which can be enhanced by means of cultural offer, the Senso Gallery regularly organizes exhibitions accompanied by promotional material – catalogs edited under special technical conditions, volumes with monography features, flyers, news, reports and art films broadcast on the online television channel of the same name. The website, www.galeriasenso.ro, incorporates the platform of an online store and offers the possibility to view and purchase works of art, all with a single “click”.

“We bring art closer to you! – this is the motto of the gallery, which we have taken upon ourselves to turn into the most representative selection of authors and works. The exhibitions shown at Senso Gallery are part of a complex program, generously open to all of us, through which we hope to manifest, in an authentic and original manner, an assumed cultural vocation! In 2021, we will continue to organize, with the same success, landmark events in the cultural landscape of Bucharest, to the extent that current times allow us” – the Senso Art Gallery, Bucharest.