Online art gallery - Rings /en/online-shop/jewelry/rings/ Aducem arta mai aproape de tine Fri, 07 Oct 2022 05:46:50 +0000 en-US hourly 1 /en/wp-content/uploads/2022/06/fav-en-150x150.png Online art gallery - Rings /en/online-shop/jewelry/rings/ 32 32 Heart II ring /en/product/jewelry/rings/golden-leaf-ring-iii/ Fri, 23 Sep 2022 12:41:24 +0000 Technique: Unique ring, handmade, made of porcelain fired at high temperature, decorated with ceramic pigment and platinum. Mounted on a 925 silver system
Dimensions: 2 cm diameter

Articolul Heart II ring apare prima dată în Galeria Senso.

Articolul Heart II ring apare prima dată în Galeria Senso.

Golden leaf VIII ring /en/product/jewelry/rings/golden-leaf-ring-viii/ Fri, 23 Sep 2022 12:23:34 +0000 Technique: Unique ring, handmade, made of porcelain fired at high temperature, decorated with ceramic pigment and platinum.
Mounted on a 925 silver system
Dimensions: 2 cm diameter

Articolul Golden leaf VIII ring apare prima dată în Galeria Senso.

Articolul Golden leaf VIII ring apare prima dată în Galeria Senso.

Dark Green ring /en/product/jewelry/rings/golden-leaf-ring-vii/ Fri, 23 Sep 2022 12:22:15 +0000 Technique: Unique ring, handmade, made of porcelain fired at high temperature, decorated with ceramic pigment and platinum. Mounted on a 925 silver system
Dimensions: 2 cm diameter

Articolul Dark Green ring apare prima dată în Galeria Senso.

Articolul Dark Green ring apare prima dată în Galeria Senso.

Multicolour ring /en/product/jewelry/rings/golden-leaf-ring-vi/ Fri, 23 Sep 2022 12:21:04 +0000 Technique: Unique ring, handmade, made of porcelain fired at high temperature, decorated with ceramic pigment and platinum. Mounted on a 925 silver system
Dimensions: 2 cm diameter

Articolul Multicolour ring apare prima dată în Galeria Senso.

Articolul Multicolour ring apare prima dată în Galeria Senso.

Turquoise II ring /en/product/jewelry/rings/golden-leaf-ring-v/ Fri, 23 Sep 2022 12:20:05 +0000 Technique: Unique ring, handmade, made of porcelain fired at high temperature, decorated with ceramic pigment and platinum. Mounted on a 925 silver system
Dimensions: 2 cm diameter

Articolul Turquoise II ring apare prima dată în Galeria Senso.

Articolul Turquoise II ring apare prima dată în Galeria Senso.

Delicate Leaf I ring /en/product/jewelry/rings/golden-leaf-ring-iv/ Fri, 23 Sep 2022 12:19:10 +0000 Technique: Unique ring, handmade, made of porcelain fired at high temperature, decorated with ceramic pigment and platinum. Mounted on a 925 silver system
Dimensions: 2 cm diameter

Articolul Delicate Leaf I ring apare prima dată în Galeria Senso.

Articolul Delicate Leaf I ring apare prima dată în Galeria Senso.

Turquoise I ring /en/product/jewelry/rings/golden-leaf-ring-ii/ Fri, 23 Sep 2022 12:11:48 +0000 Technique: Unique ring, handmade, made of porcelain fired at high temperature, decorated with ceramic pigment and platinum. Mounted on a 925 silver system
Dimensions: 2 cm diameter

Articolul Turquoise I ring apare prima dată în Galeria Senso.

Articolul Turquoise I ring apare prima dată în Galeria Senso.

Heart I ring /en/product/jewelry/rings/golden-leaf-ring-i/ Fri, 23 Sep 2022 12:08:19 +0000 Technique: Unique ring, handmade, made of porcelain fired at high temperature, decorated with ceramic pigment and platinum. Mounted on a 925 silver system
Dimensions: 2 cm diameter

Articolul Heart I ring apare prima dată în Galeria Senso.

Articolul Heart I ring apare prima dată în Galeria Senso.

Ring VII /en/product/jewelry/rings/ring-vii/ Mon, 01 Aug 2022 11:22:32 +0000 Technique: the ring is made of hand-molded and hand-painted porcelain with 12% liquid gold and special colors for porcelain. Size 56

Articolul Ring VII apare prima dată în Galeria Senso.

The ring is made of hand-molded and hand-painted porcelain with 12% liquid gold and special colors for porcelain. Size 56. The Brandusa Ungurasu creative workshop set out to bring back to life the porcelain of the past by creating porcelain jewelry. Jewelry can be made in all possible ways and each porcelain object is painted with special color pigments, with gold or platinum (luster) of 12% all in a liquid state, with liquid mother-of-pearl, copper or other precious metals” – Brandusa Ungurasu

Articolul Ring VII apare prima dată în Galeria Senso.

Ring II /en/product/jewelry/rings/ring-ii-2/ Mon, 01 Aug 2022 11:08:44 +0000 Technique: the ring is made of hand-molded and hand-painted porcelain with 12% liquid gold and special colors for porcelain. Size 55

Articolul Ring II apare prima dată în Galeria Senso.

The ring is made of hand-molded and hand-painted porcelain with 12% liquid gold and special colors for porcelain. Size 55. The Brandusa Ungurasu creative workshop set out to bring back to life the porcelain of the past by creating porcelain jewelry. Jewelry can be made in all possible ways and each porcelain object is painted with special color pigments, with gold or platinum (luster) of 12% all in a liquid state, with liquid mother-of-pearl, copper or other precious metals” – Brandusa Ungurasu

Articolul Ring II apare prima dată în Galeria Senso.
